How I wrote my first iOS app while learning Kotlin for Android Development

Ever since I read Jake Wharton’s tweet, I’ve been spending a considerable amount of time with Kotlin for Android development. I’m very impressed with the language. It is concise, elegant, easy to pick up, has excellent tooling support and bundles several language features that Java currently lacks. I was even able to deliver a Kotlin presentation (scheduled for an hour, but would have easily gone for 3 hours if it wasn’t for the rumbling stomachs) during the Madras JUG launch event on 31st January (3 days after Jake’s tweet).

Yesterday, a sudden thought of Swift struck me like a thunderbolt (figuratively) when I was about to leave for lunch. I did take a peek at the language when it was first released last year and it had a resemblance to other “modern” programming languages. Most importantly, it looked a lot more amicable than its predecessor – Objective-C. I recollected my iOS devs in my dev shop raving about the number of Swift libraries that went live on GitHub on the same day when the language was announced.

Before leaving for lunch, I did my usual – just this one and Googled for “swift quick start” and landed on Ray Wenderlich’s website. At the first glance, Swift looked very familiar. If you were to see both the languages at some place that didn’t provide any context (IDE / APIs / conventions), you might accidently mistake one for the other. Following are my observations.


Optional in both the languages.

Variable Declaration

Kotlin & Swift

var atomicNumber = 8          // Inferred type
var atomicNumber: Int = 8     // Explicit type declaration

Immutable Variables


val pi = 3.14159265359


let pi = 3.14159265359

Difference: Swift uses the let keyword for immutable variables.

Optionals / Nullables

Kotlin & Swift

var middleName: String? = "X."

Object Instantiation

Kotlin & Swift

var person = Person()



fun isDealOk(marketPrice: Double, yourOffering: Double): Boolean {
    return retailerPrice <= yourOffering


func isDealOk(marketPrice: Double, yourOffering: Double) -> Bool {
    return retailerPrice <= yourOffering

Difference: Swift uses func keyword for function declarations and the return type is preceded by the -> token.

Function Calls


isDealOk(199.0, 149.99)


isDealOk(199.0, yourOffering: 149.99)

Difference: Swift requires you to include the parameter name (from the second parameter onwards), when you have more than one parameter in a function.

Function Overriding


override fun heal() {
    health += level * healingFactor


override func heal() {
    health += level * healingFactor

Difference: Notice the func keyword in Swift.

String Templates


var name = "Kotlin"
println("Hello, ${name}")   // You can also use $name


var name = "Swift"
println("Hello, \(name)")

Difference: Swift uses the \() syntax for string templating.

Type Checks and Casting

Kotlin & Swift

var isZombie = civilian is Zombie      // Check
var ironMan = tonyStark as IronMan     // Cast



var delay: Long = 1000L
    get() {
        // Return value from the backing field

    set(value) {
        // Set value to the backing field


var delay: Long {
    get() {
        // Return a computed value from a different
        // instance property

    set(value) {
        // Set value to a different instance property

Difference: Properties in Kotlin and computed properties in Swift serve different purposes. They look syntactically similar, but have slightly different use cases.



class Martian {
    var name: String = "Z1000"

    constructor(name: String) { = name


class Martian {
    var name: String = "Z1000"

    init(name: String) { = name

Difference: Kotlin has the concept of primary and secondary constructors. Primary constructors are declared in the class header. The above example uses a secondary constructor that was introduced in the M11 release. Notice the use of constructor in Kotlin and init in Swift. Kotlin also has the init keyword, but it is used for initializer blocks.



class Mutant : Human(), Flyable {    // Super class + Trait


class Mutant : Human, Flyable {    // Super class + Protocol

Traits & Protocols


trait Flyable {
    var maxSpeed: Float

    fun fly()
    fun land(): Boolean


protocol Flyable {
    var maxSpeed: Float { get set }

    func fly()
    func land() -> Bool

Difference: Swift requires you to specify accessor methods for properties using the get and set keywords. The major difference is – trait methods in Kotlin can have implementations, but Swift doesn’t allow method bodies.



enum class Choice {


enum Choice {

Difference: Absence of the class keyword, presence of case keyword and enum values are separated by commas.

I haven’t looked into other Swift features like generics, closures, extensions that have equivalents in Kotlin. I’ll update this post when I do.

So, what did I build?

I built the classic Rock-Paper-Scissors application on iOS using Swift. You pick one, the phone picks one and then we show the outcome. It’s a rather simple application. Here is the screenshot for your viewing pleasure (it’s not that pleasurable though :P)

Rock Paper Scissors iOS App in Swift


Languages and platforms are entirely different things. Just because someone can work in Java doesn’t mean that he’d be equally good in a dozen of frameworks or language-based platforms that are available in the wild. Play framework, Hadoop, Elastic Search, and Android are all based on Java but require a different set of skills.

One advantage for a Kotlin developer when working with Swift is syntax. Just that. After that, there’s a whole bunch of APIs that you have to master in order to work with Swift on iOS. Then the IDE and toolchain, followed by differences in the UI/UX model, error messages, 3rd party libraries, dependency management and build systems, etc.,

It could be surprisingly difficult to accomplish simple things. I hit a bunker in Swift while creating the app. I wasn’t able to generate a random number within a given range! How cool is that? This is a no-brainer in Java/Kotlin.


val randomIndex = Random().nextInt(CHOICES.length)
val phoneChoice = CHOICES[randomIndex]


let randomIndex = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(CHOICES.count)))
let phoneChoice = CHOICES[randomIndex]

It took me over 15 minutes to figure this out.

Final Words

If you are an Android developer and are looking for productivity and power, you should be learning Kotlin already. With your newly acquired Kotlin skills, it should be encouraging and easy enough to pick up some Swift and iOS skills along the way.

Thank you for reading. Don’t forget to share this post in any of your social media circles if you found it interesting.


  1. greenspand · August 14, 2015

    Awesome blog post. It is exactly the path I am begining to follow. I allways wanted to learn some iOS but due to the major difference of Language aesthetics I didn’t had the time. The resamblance between Kotlin and swift is awesome, now I have a starting point to go from. Thx for this post. Great stuff.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. krupal shah · November 29, 2015

    Amazing! which one invented the first? Kotlin or Swift?


    • ionel · November 30, 2015

      apple did swift in secret,
      while kotlin was developed for 5 years, with a lot of blog posts.
      I thing both languages look like groovy lang


  3. kiliankoe · December 3, 2015

    When you say that Kotlin has primary and secondary constructors, you left out that Swift also supports designated and convenience initializers 😉
    See here for more info:


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